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Private Lessons

What are "Private" Lessons?


Private sessions are opportunities for your daughter to get a larger share of a coach's attention during instruction.  On average, a club team is built of 11-12 players with one coach; however, a private session is just your daughter and the coach focusing on just her needs.  This focus does wonders to build the confidence of the athlete, skills, and to focus on eradicating negative habits and encouraging positive habits (such as footwork).


How much are private Lessons?


Private sessions at Aggression is a huge perk of being a part of our club!  While many clubs charge upwards of $80/hour, we only charge $45.  Not only that, 100% of the funds go to either court costs or coaching payment, the club makes $0 on each private.  Our goal is to provide more opportunities for growth for each athlete at the most affordable cost possible.


Additionally, if the athlete prefers to sign up with a friend or two, we would be happy to accommodate as each block of time allows for up to three athletes. In fact, we actually recommend at least two athletes per session as there is always someone available to hit towards and shag balls. If you DON'T want anyone else there for your daughter's private, please sign up for all three slots in your time frame, thereby restricting anyone else from signing up at that time.


Do Parents need to stay?


Yes. As a way to protect everyone involved, we always want parental supervision.  Additionally, it's quite possible you as a parent can pick up coaching cues, help ball shag, and get to support your son or daughter as she works to improve.

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